Saturday, August 12, 2006

Mainly Imcompetence

In recent LA Times' article "U.S. Clout Missing Ingredient in Mideast" (August 8, 2006 News Analysis, one reader responsed:

"This front-page article said that President Bush was "inexperienced". He's had six years of onefailed policy after another. He's not imexperienced; he's incompetent, and so is Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. This administration has created world chaos with its stupidity, and one can only hope that it will be replaced soon. Clearly, competence is something it's not going to develop in what's left of its time in office."
----Joan E. Meijer, Los Angeles

Looking back on the current chaos in Taiwan, one can almost replace a few words in the previous letter such as : "CB Chen" for Bush; "are six Prime Minsiters Chen had" for "is Secretary ........Rice"; and "stupidity, greed, and corruptions" for stupidity. Then the whole letter becomes a good critisizm for Chen's administration.

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