Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Taiwanese Poll on Cross-Strait Relations

Big Eagle had shown a year ago that Taiwanese governmemnt has been taking polls on this subject by MAC for years and it is worthwhile to check its results from time to time to understand the public opinion on this topics. Here is the most recent result from MAC shown in Line Chart.

Mr. Yang Hsien Hong had an article on ETToday News and his offered his interpretation on these numbers:



陳水扁總統主政以來,在中國政策上的搖擺不定,實際上造成了現在這種高度不確定感的主因,他如果不能非常直接指出「四不一沒有」已經不存在,人民的不確定感會更深一層的跌落深淵。 "

Of course, you (dear readers) may have your own interpretation, let's hear from you, OK?

1 comment:

HL said...

Good work, this post is informational. Indeed, the status quo only stays in one day. It is actually changing everyday.