Friday, March 11, 2005

Shocking! Taiwan is about to dissove NRC..

While browsing the Net tonight, I noticed a small headline: "吳茂昆對國科會裁併態度消極 立委直指他在「自我了斷」". What is going on? NRC (National Science Council) will be dissoved and will become an office for coordinating the various policy that related with science and technology. The report mention even many legislators couldn't believe Dr. Wu, head of NRC, let that happened. - "根據行政院提出的政府組織再造中規定,在科技法規政策部分交由國家發展暨科技委員會管轄,科學園區則劃歸經濟部統籌,至於補助科學研究計畫,則由行政法人基金會管理,過去掌管政策、科學園區、補助計畫等事宜的國科會將不復存在。 ........ 國科會主委吳茂昆說,所謂把國科會一分為三,個人的確是不支持,去年已經向組織再造委員會提出保留的建議,但是行政院版本已經定案,身為行政團隊的一份子,自己也不方便再說什麼,....."

I believe this is a bad decision for the development of R&D in Taiwan. I don't see the mention of who will take care of the R&D in university and graduate schools, not to mention the science projects in high schools. I shall quote the comment from 打工仔 , who already had his advanced degree and is now working abroad, to show even a graduate student can see how serious damage can be made by this decision. ~~ Big Eagle ~~

"臺灣的科技龍頭國科會如今慘到被瓜分,指揮官還不敢站出來講話,不知道未來臺灣基礎科學的發展將會成爲什麽情況。當然,直屬總統府管轄,資源豐沛,兵強馬壯的中研院不必擔心未來科研經費以及科研方向受到影響。不知道是不是這個原因使得中研院對於國科會被裁並的可能性不聞不問,但是,沒有強有力的基礎科學做支撐,未來中研院在人才人力的獲得上,難免不受到波及。 基礎科學是一個國家生存的基礎,科技只是賺錢的手段,並不能帶動更高端科技的發展。特別像是臺灣地小人稠,資源有限地情況下,沒有足夠地基礎科學,是不會有未來的高端科技。目前臺灣的高端科技只能說是比較高端的OEM,還談不上高端科技。如果還不正視這個問題,將來也許會發生「誤將(生蚵)作(生科)」的笑話。 " (Article of 打工仔 was posted on ETToday)

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