Sunday, March 20, 2005

The Modern Deadly Sins

Although this subject may not link directly to the democracy, but I think it will help educating a better citizen who is the building element of the society. We have heard about the list of "Seven Deadly Sins" (by Thomas Aquinas in 13th century) through our life . The list includes, by alphabetical order, (1) Anger(忿怒);(2) Envy(嫉妒);(3) Gluttony(貪吃);(4) Greed(貪婪);(5) Lust(色慾);(6) Pride(傲慢);(7) Sloth(怠惰).

According to Parade's report (3/20/2005), British BBS found from their poll that only "Greed" remains from the original list of sins. The updated list of Seven Deadly Sins is now (also listed in alphabetical order)- (1) Adultery(通姦);(2) Bigotry(頑固的偏見);(3) Cruelty(殘酷);(4)Dishonest(欺詐);(5) Greed(貪婪);(6) Hypocrisy(偽善);(7) Selfishness(自私).

This imples the dynamic changes in morality as our society changes.

Just a short note for myself. I hope this is helpful to you too. ~~~ Big Eagle ~~

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