Tuesday, April 11, 2006


Recent Economic Performance of Taiwan

According to the Taiwanese official report, Vice PM Tsai Ying-Wen said on 3/26 that Taiwan’s economic performance is not bad. She believes the inherent characters of flexibility and openness of Taiwanese will weather out all difficulties of global impacts. However, the newly published report on GNP in early April shows that S. Korean’s GNP (US$16,291) is higher than Taiwanese’s GNP (US$15,676). Of course, these numbers doesn’t prove S. Korean’s economic performance has surpassed Taiwan. But if one combines with other indexes such as the Growth in GDP, then one would start worry about the gradual slipping of economy in Taiwan. (Remark: the average growth rate for the last 6 years for Taiwan is 3.6%. It is 4.5% for Singapore, and 5.2% for South Korea).

Big Eagle was in Taiwan recently for three weeks and had spent many hours talking with eight companies of traditional industries. These companies were selected based on their field and size. I received a lot of feedback, complains and suggestions from CEO of these companies and my major concern is the disengagement in social – political structure. The resulting effects are the failure of economic policy and educational policy in this fast changing global economy.

I will suggest people read the following articles and look deeply into the real economy performance in Taiwan.

Articles referred:

  1. 正確解讀台灣經濟表現 by Prof. Hwan Lin - http://formosan-voices.blogspot.com/
  2. 台灣經濟愈拚愈落後2006.04.10 工商時報社論

1 comment:

Big Eagle said...
