Sunday, February 06, 2005

Ranking the Democracy

There is an organization that "audits" yearly countries around the world. In its report of January, 2005, World Audit of Democracy (see ranked Taiwan in the following orders among 210 countries:

(1) World Democracy Audit Overall Ranking: No. 39 (Range: 1-149) [Remark: Finland and New Zealand are No. 1; US got No. 14]

(2) Political Rights: No. 2 (Range: 1-7) [Remark: US and several others are rated No. 1]

(3) Civil Liberties: No. 2 (Range: 1-7) [Remark: US and several others got No. 1]

(4) Press Freedom: No. 38 (Range: 1-100) [Remark: highest rank is 8. Finland and New Zealand got it. US is rated 17.]

(5) Corruption: No. 31 (Range: 1-100) [Remark: Best score is New Zealand's 5. US got 25.]

BigEagle notes - US rankings are put here because many readers may be more familiar the American way of democracy.

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