Monday, November 24, 2008


民進黨派蔡同榮等到美國想以政治迫害的理由為陳水扁的鉅款洗錢解套. 美國官員卻公開的表明美政府對此案的觀點. 以下是美國在台及華府的官員之正式官方評語:

楊、麥說法全文如下: 十一月十二日,美國在台協會台北辦事處長楊甦棣

We believe it needs to be transparent, fair and impartial. Assuming that it is conducted in that manner, it can strengthen the confidence, both here and around the world, in your democracy.



This is a matter for Taiwan's legal system to resolve. We are confident in Taiwan's democracy and its legal system. We have every expectation that the process will be transparent, fair and impartial.


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