Friday, June 22, 2007

The Failed States Index Rankings

By FOREIGN POLICY & the Fund for Peace

Big Eagle: I have only sited two paragraphs from the full context. Please go to their website to read the complete report. Taiwan and USA are not on the list of 60 countries.

"To present a more precise picture of the scope and implications of the problem, the Fund for Peace, an independent research organization, and FOREIGN POLICY have conducted a global ranking of weak and failing states. Using 12 social, economic, political, and military indicators, we ranked 60 states in order of their vulnerability to violent internal conflict. (For each indicator, the Fund for Peace computed scores using software that analyzed data from tens of thousands of international and local media sources from the last half of 2004. For a complete discussion of the 12 indicators, please go to or The resulting index provides a profile of the new world disorder of the 21st century and demonstrates that the problem of weak and failing states is far more serious than generally thought. About 2 billion people live in insecure states, with varying degrees of vulnerability to widespread civil conflict."

"What are the clearest early warning signs of a failing state? Among the 12 indicators we use, two consistently rank near the top. Uneven development is high in almost all the states in the index, suggesting that inequality within states—and not merely poverty—increases instability. Criminalization or delegitimization of the state, which occurs when state institutions are regarded as corrupt, illegal, or ineffective, also figured prominently. Facing this condition, people often shift their allegiances to other leaders—opposition parties, warlords, ethnic nationalists, clergy, or rebel forces. Demographic factors, especially population pressures stemming from refugees, internally displaced populations, and environmental degradation, are also found in most at-risk countries, as are consistent human rights violations. Identifying the signs of state failure is easier than crafting solutions, but pinpointing where state collapse is likely is a necessary first step."

Sunday, June 10, 2007

綠色快樂指數 (Happy Planet Index)

綠色快樂指數 - Happy Planet Index 是最近由一個稱為 ”The New Economics Foundation” (nef) 所創造來衡量各地對人民造福以及對生態利用的結合效果. 依據 nef 公佈的解釋 :

The Happy Planet Index is an innovative new measure that shows the ecological efficiency with which human well-being is delivered around the world. It is the first ever index to combine environmental impact with well-being to measure the environmental efficiency with which country by country, people live long and happy lives. The results are surprising, even shocking, but there is much to learn from what they show.

The nations that top the Index aren’t the happiest places in the world, but the nations that score well show that achieving, long, happy lives without over-stretching the planet’s resources is possible. The Happy Planet Index (HPI) strips the view of the economy back to its absolute basics: what we put in (resources), and what comes out (human lives of different length and happiness).

想多了解 HPI 的讀者可以到 nef 的網站仔細看一看. HPI 是用下列的公式計算得來:

HPI = [Life Satisfaction] x [Life Expectation] / [Ecological Footprint]

nef 的專家們的理想 HPI 83.5 . 目前他們調查 178 個國家都沒有一個國家達到這個理想的標準. HPI 大致可以表示在某種社會型態下, 人民的平均快樂壽命. 它也能指示國家利用其自然資源使其公民安康樂居的效率.

以下列出一些典型的國家依[國家]; [排名]; [HPI ]作比較:

Vietnam; 12; 61.2

Philippines; 17; 59.2

China; 31; 56

India; 62; 48.7

Taiwan; 83; 43.4

Hong Kong; 88; 42.9

Japan; 95; 4.7

Singapore; 131; 36.1

USA; 150; 28.8

Russia; 172; 22.8

Zimbabwe; 178; 16.8

Big Eagle 發現台灣及美國的 Life Satisfaction Life Expectation 還不低但是Ecological Footprint 卻也很高.

Friday, June 01, 2007


2005年南科減震弊案牽連國科會副主委謝清志等人後, 現在國家實驗研究院太空中心又有爆發重大弊案之聞,主任吳作樂等二十多名官商遭到檢察官傳訊調查,吳作樂且被收押。目前揭露的案情尚不完整,但初步爆出台灣自主衛星計畫失敗延遲、浪費公帑、圖利私人等貪瀆情節,已足令人咋舌。

據聯合報及其他報紙的報導, 許多評論大部份分析焦點多集中在吳作樂的個人操守及政商網絡。但事實上,國家實驗研究院出問題,已不是第一遭;和此案有關且將遭檢方下一波傳喚的國研院主管機關國科會前副主委謝清志,其涉及貪瀆案件也不是第一遭。如今呈現在國人眼前的,不只是少數幾名官員的操守墮落問題,更是台灣科技界在「唯綠是用」的政風影響下所導致的專業沈淪問題!


依聯合報社論的說法, 國研院旗下的「科技政策研究與資訊中心」,因大量聘用海內外獨派社團人士為顧問,花費鉅額公帑研究一些政治性議題,不但受到立委質疑其正當性,也曾被輿論譏誚不如將國研院改名為「台獨研究院」。一年前,傳出以公費研究「利用禽流感議題,讓台灣與中國議題浮出檯面,提高台灣曝光度」這種荒唐的題目,正是出自國家實驗研究院。

國研院的前身為國科會國家實驗室,在九十二年改制為「財團法人」,每年研發經費高達數十億,本來應是國家科技政策的研發核心機構,卻在人事作業及經費使用 諱莫如深,形同「黑洞」的情況下,成為獨派人士接受酬庸、分贓自肥的落腳之處。國研院現任董事長賴義雄及院長莊哲男,都曾積極參與二○○四年的「二二八手 牽手護台灣」而活躍一時,彼等出掌國研院時也受到學術界議論紛紛。

執政黨重用與其意識形態契合者出任重職,此為理所當然。不過,就算「綠」字當頭,總不能完全罔顧政府官員「專業」與「操守」的基本條件。太空中心主任吳作 樂貪瀆又失職,何以長期受到包庇?國研院主管機關國科會的前任副主委謝清志,前有被檢方稱為「精心設計的官商勾結」的南科減振弊案纏身,如今再度因為太空中心案而與蕭秋德一起受到調查;這些人能如此浪費公帑、圖利私人,難道不就是因為抱著一個「深綠」的護身符而貪贓枉法、予取予求?
