Monday, December 31, 2007


Big Eagle has discussed the definition and true meaning of "Democracy" since the debut of this Blog. Big Eagle found this article in recent 東森新聞: 2007/12/31 which was written by "愚人"(pen name). The article is directed to the recent barbaric action ordered by Chen Shue Bian on disgracing the past president. Response from reader is welcome.......


名為中正紀念堂就是紀念先人,當然只要是人都有他的功過,包含您、包含我、包含他。今天當權政府口口聲聲一直喊民主,卻不讓為數一方的人民可以去 紀念先人,試問這是真正的民主嗎?真正的民主是,包容心與包容的言行。也就是包容過去的一切,包容現在的一切,甚至是未來的一切,這才是真民主呀!這才是 所有的政治人物都應追求的目標,這才是真正為國為民設想的言行,就像大中至正一樣,是儒家最崇高的思想,是正道、是不偏不倚,不過之也無不及之心。是所有 政治人物都應追尋的目標。

看到今天的政治人物,心中只有報復、並利用報復。真得有包容嗎?真得有教育民眾包容嗎?連當今老師都說不出來,令愚人心寒,亦讓先師失望。若當權 者,若所有的政治人物,真的保護民主,卻為何為了個自的心胸挾隘因素,操弄政治為目的,造成民眾無法跳脫仇恨、對立、分化的苦難呢!又為何不讓過去歷史的 誤會可以冰釋呢!

試問過去的歷史,是戒嚴法治在先,還是人民犯罪在先造成了誤會。再試問過去的歷史,當初用戒嚴治國真的有錯嗎,若無治國,會有現今安全的臺灣嗎! 倘若過去歷史真無治國,現今的臺灣就極有可能跟南北韓一樣,分成北臺灣與南臺灣了。綜觀過現,如此就能說這一定就是錯嗎?這一定就是對嗎?很明顯的,在現 在的時空背景這沒有絕對的對與錯,但是可以確定的一件事,那是為了國家的完整性。現今,該道歉的已勇敢的道歉,該賠的皆已勇敢的賠,該設置相關紀念的亦是 勇敢的設立。試問當今政府有為民眾做過什麼嗎!有教導眾生要原諒對方嗎!有教育民眾要包容過去嗎!有嗎?

當然只要是人都有他的功過,包含您、包含我、包含他。但,為何只說歷史的過,而不去說明歷史的功呢。所以說,政治人物都有他的目的,而他們的目的 也苦了民眾。宛惜的是,已被仇視與討厭遮掩了真智慧,您在痛恨對方的同時,是不是也在痛恨了自己的心呢!愚人記得,我們小時後的課本教育是原諒他人、是以 德報怨、是得饒人處且饒人,現在這些美德全都不見了,可見得國家根本教育的失敗。

起因呢,所有的政治人物與教育家都應為此負責。何故此說,因為政治人物為了謀行一定要贏政爭,於是在各形式媒體放話、嗆聲諸多種種不當言論等等, 如此每天的放送,當教育程度較差的民眾,或價值觀有偏斜的民眾,看到這樣子的言論,一定是心想罵贏的為利害者,於是乎,生起崇拜與模仿的言行,進而影響了 整個社會和諧。這樣的罪實在很大。願所有的政治人物,真的為眾生謀福力,為萬世開太平。

Sunday, December 23, 2007


噤聲不語 知識分子不見了





這是「面對公與義──台灣的社會發展與變遷」研討會場景。二十幾年前,余英時、林毓生、金耀基、胡佛、葉啟政等十九位海內外知識菁英,曾經在宜蘭棲蘭山莊 討論近代中國的變遷與發展。此次「棲蘭會談」變成了「草山論劍」,大家一起在陽明山中國麗緻飯店「閉關」,逼自己面對問題。

「當前台灣知識分子心頭有兩朵烏雲」,台大政治系教授朱雲漢開了個頭,也賣了個關子。他所說的烏雲原來是「第一,面對今日台灣的政治大毀 壞,知識分子相當無奈;第二,面對今日台灣的社會集體焦慮,知識分子也相當茫然。」進一步分析,解嚴前知識界衡量「進步」與「落後」的歷史座標是明確的, 知識分子比較容易產生共識,對於民主改革充滿了樂觀的想像,現在卻逐漸失去方向感。



寫了一輩子評論的南方朔認為,知識分子對於理想愈來愈懷疑,所以愈來愈犬儒,甚至「自動邊緣化」,使得知識分子明顯出現「空窗期」。更麻煩 的是,許多知識分子過去和民進黨人士一起對抗威權,因此過去這幾年出現「感情的障礙」,怕批評認識的人會傷害感情,「這樣一忍就忍了八年」。

「莊國榮(教育部主任秘書)拆除大中至正牌匾的談話那麼離譜,為什麼沒有知識分子出來罵?」比較年輕的台大政治系教授江宜樺先 丟了個問題,然後自己提出答案:「因為反對黨一定先跳出來謾罵,如果知識分子進行批判,馬上就會被載上泛藍打手大帽子,讓自己失去格調;知識分子罵了不但 沒用,而且還會有反效果,執政黨支持者更會向莊國榮獻花。」


「知識分子跟狗一樣,忙得要死卻沒有什麼作用」,中研院社會所研究員張茂桂的看法,一開始讓大家嚇了一跳,後來卻讓不少人心有戚戚焉:「知 識分子的批判性其實是有條件的,政府對高等教育投資不足,知識分子在大環境感受全球評比的壓力,小環境則受到升等、續聘的壓力,這些都規訓了知識分子,知 識分子沒有尊嚴,也沒有優越的條件可以進行批判。」

看到大家對於知識分子角色愈來愈嚴厲的反省,當過民進黨文宣部主任的知名作家、政大台灣文學研究所所長陳芳明跳出來「自首」。「我是黑名 單人士、深綠背景,南方朔說他忍了兩年,我則是忍了四年。我本來以為政黨輪替會讓社會更開放,結果卻是比過去還封閉,變成假本土之名進行思想檢查。民進黨 會變成這樣,我也是共犯。







Big Eagle 已經多日追問為何台灣沒有知識份子的聲音, 這篇文又在鼓動"鷹心"起來了!!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Roundtable Briefing With Taiwan Media

Brief note of “Round-table Briefing With Taiwan Media”

Thomas Christensen, Deputy Assistant Secretary for East Asian Affairs
Washington, DC
December 6, 2007

For complete transcript, please see US Department of State website:

…… We're opposed to unilateral moves to change the status quo by either side of the Taiwan Strait. Anything that makes Taiwan stronger and safer is good for the United States and good for the people of Taiwan. Anything that places Taiwan's peace and stability at risk, on the other hand, also runs directly against the interests of the United States and, we believe, runs against the interests of the people of Taiwan.

So while we continue to oppose the use of force in the in the Taiwan Strait, we look to Taiwan's leaders to leaders to adopt policies toward cross-Strait relations that combine strength with moderation. That's why we've expressed publicly and privately our special concern over the pursuit of a referendum on UN membership in the name of Taiwan.

This referendum (入聯公投) appears designed to pursue a unilateral change in the status quo. Moreover, aspects of the referendum appear inconsistent with President Chen's inaugural pledges, which we see as pillars of stability in cross-Strait relations. As we've said in the past, we believe that the DPP referendum as currently worded is inconsistent with President Chen's pledges - his pledge not to pursue name-change during his term of office. President Chen, in his inaugural pledges, also promised not pursue referenda on topics related to unification with the Mainland or Taiwan independence. So we're also concerned by his recent statements that imply that the UN referendum drive provides the Taiwan people an opportunity to accept or reject unification with the Mainland.

The U.S. Government opposes the DPP UN referendum because, by unnecessarily provoking tensions in cross-Strait relations, it puts Taiwan's security -- and therefore U.S. interests -- at risk. This referendum cannot actually change Taiwan'status on the global stage. So it seems to promise the people of Taiwan international benefits on which it cannot deliver. The DPP referendum is unwise not only because it is provocative and dangerous, but also because it weakens rather than strengthens the hand of those who believe that Taiwan deserves a stronger role in world affairs. And I would include the United States in that group.

We're not opposed to the use of referenda in Taiwan, and we most obviously are not opposed to democracy in Taiwan. We have been the biggest supporters of democracy in Taiwan. But when bad policies are being pursued through democratic means, it does not matter that the democratic means are in play if the policy is a damaging one. We reserve the right to speak out against damaging policies, regardless of whether democratic means are being used.

The U.S. Government remains the steadfast partner of the people of Taiwan, as we have been for decades. We want the people of Taiwan to build on past successes in democratic development and economic growth, and we regret that we have to make on differences on the UN referendum in the name of Taiwan so plain. But we feel that we have a responsibility as friends of Taiwan to make very plain in a consistent, authoritative, and clear manner U.S. policy interests and U.S. policy concerns to our friends in Taiwan. We believe the people of Taiwan deserve no less from their friends in the United States.

…….[more Q&A]